Monday, September 23, 2013

My Wrestler Mode

Created player career modes have become a staple in 2K sports games. These modes serve as a mini-RPG for character development in their respective sports. There has yet to be an American wrestling game that has given users the deep and rich experience that “My Player” modes from 2K Sports titles have provided. Hopefully WWE 2K can be the first domestic wrestling game that gives users the ability to take their created wrestler from nothing into potentially a WWE Hall of Famer.


Your wrestler’s journey should start in NXT. The WWE has put millions of dollars into the new training facility in central Florida so it is time that it is put to use in digital form. Here he has to prove to the decision makers that he is worthy enough for a call up to the main WWE roster. Many sports games in the past have breezed the created player through the minor league systems, but allowing the character to struggle and be developed will make that call to the main roster that much sweeter when it happens.

Having your wrestler start in NXT has a few perks. Here he can be closer to the eyes of the WWE brass. But since the character is in developmental stages, he shouldn’t start out with a high skill level. It should be a struggle to make it to the main roster, as it is in reality. NXT should also be used when your wrestler is returning from an injury. Instead of being thrust back into the main roster, you should have the option to return to NXT to get back into the swing of things.

NXT should be taken very serious considering this is where “My Wrestler” will spend the majority of his time during the early part of his career. This shouldn’t be used as a pit-stop that is loosely ignored since the WWE is theoretically on the horizon. It is imperative that NXT is taken seriously and treated as it’s own separate entity. 

Random Guest Appearances from WWE Roster Stars

Much like CM Punk did in 2011, there should be an occasional WWE superstar that visits the NXT Campus. This wrestler should participate in the Main Event of a card(s) but he should also be able to be contacted for a personal training session with, “My Wrestler.” Here, “My Wrestler” should be able to learn moves from the moveset of the WWE Star that is tutoring him.

Also, there should be a once in a blue moon situation that has a WWE Legend visit the NXT Campus. He shouldn’t wrestle on any NXT cards as he is solely there to train younger talent. This should be a VERY expensive training session since a WWE Legend is taking his time out to help the younger talent. The idea here is the bridge the gap between the past and the present.

Legends Training Mode

Much like in NBA 2K, there should be a training camp mode in which “Your Wrestler” has to perform moves in various dictated situations. During this mode, Legends from the past should be running the training sessions. The purpose of this mode is to simply get the user familiar with all in-ring situations that the game will present. Here could be a few possible training sessions that would feature stars of the past.
Striking Moves: Biker Undertaker
Top Rope/Flying Moves: HBK
Submission Holds: Bret Hart
Grapple Moves: Ric Flair
Taunting/Charisma: Hulk Hogan

Every conceivable offensive/defensive situation should have to be performed to pass on to the next stage of “My Wrestler.”

Wrestling Style

“My Wrestler” should follow in the footsteps of NBA 2K from the standpoint of skills being exclusive to certain styles of athletes. If “My Wrestler” is created as a Giant style wrestler, then Lucha moves shouldn’t be available to “My Wrestler.” If “My Wrestler” is created as a Luchador, then the amount of power moves available to “My Wrestler” should be limited. The idea is to have realistic wrestlers in the WWE Universe that mimic the style of wrestlers that exist in reality. If this would be considered too hardcore, moves that aren’t traditional to “My Wrestler’s” traditional style should come with an extremely high price tag and these moves shouldn’t be as effective since they are being misused.

Spending Money

Again, referencing to NBA 2K, there should be a form of Virtual Currency in WWE 2K’s “My Wrestler” mode. Initially, “My Wrestler” should only be able to earn money from winning matches. As “My Wrestler” becomes more popular in the local NXT market, he should get paid to make public appearances and signing autographs. When he becomes a bigger star in the WWE, he can have the option of making a movie, commercials, and appear on television shows. “My Wrestler” will spend his money on training sessions with established WWE stars and/or Legends that will randomly visit the NXT campus. 

These are just a few ideas for upcoming WWE 2K titles. Next time we will complete the wishlist for "My Wrestler"

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