Monday, November 25, 2013

WWE2K15: Wrestler Specific Computer Logic

The proposal is called “Computer Logic.” I am pretty sure there are many developers there at 2K Sports that are familiar with the game Fire Pro Wrestling. This is the greatest wrestling simulation video game ever made. What makes this game special isn’t the graphics. It isn’t the storyline mode. It isn’t the elaborate entrances. It comes down to how specific each computer-controlled wrestler acts and reacts during the course of a match. Interested in how detailed this system is, take a look here and look at all of the situations that are editable by the user:

Please read Section E; it is the computer logic page and please study it because it is deep.
If you are really interested in seeing it, you can find a cheap copy of the game as it was released on the PS2 in 2006.

I believe this game is on the rise and we can turn it up a notch by implementing computer logic. Believe it or not, a large portion of your hardcore base watches CPU vs. CPU matches. And a lot of us that are fans of the import-wrestling scene are bothered that there isn’t much variance in the wrestler’s tendencies when the computer controls them. It is not cool seeing Rey and Sin Cara start a match off and within 3 mins walking over to the announce table and ripping out Michael Cole’s television monitor. Hopefully this is the last year that this issue will be present.